Saturday, May 29, 2010


Wow—it’s been a while.

Well, I’ve been finished with my freshman year of college for three weeks now. The weirdness of being home has passed (weird good and weird bad…) and now I’m just dealing with other weirdness. Like my childhood friend getting married. Weird. She’s younger than me. Weirder. Augh—when did I get so stinkin old?

It’s strange (sadly strange) not to have a roommate anymore. What’s stranger is that my room actually stays clean after I clean it…(haha, I LOVE you Amanda).
It’s odd to have a shower that’s bigger than a breadbox and not covered in mold. It’s weird not to have girls screaming down the hall at all hours of the night. It’s strange that everyone goes to bed before eleven.

It’s crazy how everything is all brown—I’d forgotten how sparse greenery is in New Mexico. Clothing and hairstyles are different here. People talk differently.

Anyways—I’m home, and it feels good. I’m refocusing on all that is important: God, family, friends… Hopefully I’ll be in the mood to blog over the next three months.

1 comment:

Mama to three said...

Hey girl!!!
Love that you got another blog up...I always check, even if I know it's just the one from January.

Things are SO different, coming home, but I'm glad you have a chance to refocus and to enjoy the good things at home. I'm so glad you started to really love college. We definitely need to talk, as I never called this semester and got to hear any of the GOOD or the hard.

I love you and can't wait to see you later this summer!!!