Monday, December 28, 2009

Crazy Love--You Might Not Finish This Post

Okay, so I’ve started a new book—I know some of you have read it because you’ve told me you have—called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Today I read chapter 2, entitled, “you might not finish this chapter.” I really needed to hear what this chapter said, and chances are nearly every single one of you needs to hear it too. In short:
Life is not about you.
Life is about God.
Your life could end before the day does.

Really truly think about this. Please. Spend as much time as you need in order to begin to comprehend those three statements (it’s Christmas break—what else do you have to do today, seriously?). We will die. We could die today. I know it’s hard to grasp. To me, I’ve never not existed. It’s a weird concept (in addition to being grammatically confusing).

What really got me, though was an essay written by a twelve year old. A twelve year old. Please read it. Let it sink in. Let it change the way you view today. Pray that any motivation it creates within you will be long-lasting.

“Since I Have My Life Before Me
By Brooke Bronkowski
I’ll live my life to the fullest. I’ll be happy. I’ll brighten up. I will be more joyful than I have ever been. I will be kind to others. I will loosen up. I will tell others about Christ. I will go on adventures and change the world. I will be bold and not change who I really am. I will have no troubles but instead help others with their troubles.
You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age. Oh, Ill have moments, good and bad, but I will wipe away the bad and only remember the good. In fact, that’s all I remember, just good moments, nothing in between, just living my life to the fullest.
I’ll be one of those people who go somewhere with a mission, an awesome plan, a world-changing plan, and nothing will hold me back. I’ll set an example for others, I will pray for direction. I have my life before me. I will give others the joy I have and God will give me more joy. I will do everything God tells me to do. I will follow the footsteps of God. I will do my best!!!"

I know that initially the idea of having to live today for God kind of bogged me down--it's kind of embarassing to admit, but it's the truth. Then I thought, I don’t have to, I get to. It’s a privilege. Really truly, it’s a gift.

I'm not going to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. I think we all need to feel uncomfortable often. How else are we ever going to change? I don't want to be sorry for bringing up Christ. I don't ever want to feel like maybe He doesn't belong in the conversation, situation, note, whatever. I'm done with that nonsense.
Today I will live in love with Christ and allow myself to overflow with whatever small knowledge I possess of His great love for me. Do the same!

1 comment:

aconstant said...

Hey Hayley! Are you home? I miss you!! :D We're going to have to get together over break. Send me an email! -Alicia